Stripes’s Adventures

Hi, my name is Stripes and I had lots of adventures.  My first adventure was fighting for pecking order with my brother, Pecky.  I lost and ended up with a red face and swollen eye.  Rachel’s mother tried to stop us from pecking, but our mother, Rosie was mad at her, so Rachel’s mom didn’t try to stop us anymore.  My second adventure was when I was on top the compost pile in the chicken run and spotted our neighbor’s truck coming up the road.  I honked to tell the other chickens.  My third adventure was the worst.  I was lost for three days, on the third day Rachel found me under a tree  and Rachel’s mother took care of me with coconut milk and then I got better and stayed close to the house and liked to follow Rachel’s mother when she visited the run.  My fourth adventure was one day while I was walking near the stairs leading to the deck and it was so windy that I was blown onto the deck and against the deck rail.  Rachel yelled to her mother “there’s a dead chicken on the deck,” but I was not dead.  Rachel’s mother checked on me and I opened one eye and looked up to her and she said ” Stripeypoo, are you all right?” she then picked me up  and took me out of the windy spot so Rachel could take me back to the run.  My fifth adventure was going to a new home in Hawi with my brother, Pecky, because Rachel could only keep one rooster.   I hope Rachel and her mother come and visit me soon.

Aloha from Stripes and Rachel!