I’m Back! (with new artworks too!)

Chicken Elementary_sml_BAA

Hey guys!  Sorry I haven’t ‘blogged’ in a while.  My family and I been busy these days (years).

  “Let’s get down to business!”

  On my 12th birthday, I got 5 new chickens from my very good friend who owns lots of chickens too .  And they’re 2 blue-laced red Wyandottes, 2 sliver-laced Wyandottes, & 1 Speckled Sussex (I have 12 chickens in all), & their names are Sunflower, Buttercup, Coral, Pepper, & Blueberry.  The next day, Pepper flew the coop & stay there for the rest of the day.  At one point I went to check on her & she wasn’t there anymore!  And she never came back!   (She was one of the sliver-laced.  Poor Coral.)  Now let me show you my new artworks!  The one on the top is ‘Stir-Fry Chicken’.


 ‘Chicken Elementary’


‘Weed-Whacker Chicken’

Thank you for reading (& waiting for new blogs)!

~Rachel B.


The Big Island

I live on the island of Hawai’i, most simply call it the Big Island.  It’s bigger than all the other Hawai’ian islands combined.  It resembles a mini-continent with such different climates from tropical rainforests to the cold mountain of Mauna Kea.  You can surf, boogieboard, snorkel, paddle board or swim along the shore or out in sea.  If you like golf, there are lots of golf courses for you and your friends to enjoy.  It’s a great time to come to Hawai’i in the winter, Humpback Whales come to Hawai’i to give birth to their calves,  by May they will go back to Alaska.  You can get a better view of the whales by boat or somewhere high along the coast.  In the summer, the water is so clear that you can see all kinds of fishes even without goggles!

Landscapes include one of just about everything: mountains, high sea cliffs, rolling pastures, deserts and rainforests.

My favorite things to do here are at the beach like being pulled on the boogieboard by my father and then sliding along the sand and spinning!  I love to see the green flash right after the sun goes down.  I also love seeing the humpback whales spouting and holding Jackson chameleons.  Here on the island, we have lots of farmer’s markets.  We go to the Hawi one to share our homemade eats and treats and some of my artwork.  The best thing is meeting my friends and playing around the market!

I love it here on the Big Island living with my family and my chickens!

Aloha from Rachel.

Geography Fair 2012

               Rachel's blog pictures_2012_001 017      Rachel Briones – Kalahari Desert

 On November, 13th, our homeschoolers’ group had a Geography Fair and it was our 3rd Annual Geography Fair and I did the Kalahari Desert [up top is me and my board.]

There were nine other children that did the Geography Fair and here are the pictures of them with their great projects!Rachel's blog pictures_2012_001 025Kaili Bryson – HawaiiRachel's blog pictures_2012_001 030Tyler Bryson – BermudaGeoFair_003Makoa Painton – JapanRachel's blog pictures_2012_001 019Molly Russell – VietnamRachel's blog pictures_2012_001 020Elliot Russell – Svalbard, NorwayRachel's blog pictures_2012_001 014Elijah Rogers – EgyptRachel's blog pictures_2012_001 011Nicholas Tyler – DenmarkGeoFair_001Min Winton – Singapore

Aloha from Rachel!

Stripes’s Adventures

Hi, my name is Stripes and I had lots of adventures.  My first adventure was fighting for pecking order with my brother, Pecky.  I lost and ended up with a red face and swollen eye.  Rachel’s mother tried to stop us from pecking, but our mother, Rosie was mad at her, so Rachel’s mom didn’t try to stop us anymore.  My second adventure was when I was on top the compost pile in the chicken run and spotted our neighbor’s truck coming up the road.  I honked to tell the other chickens.  My third adventure was the worst.  I was lost for three days, on the third day Rachel found me under a tree  and Rachel’s mother took care of me with coconut milk and then I got better and stayed close to the house and liked to follow Rachel’s mother when she visited the run.  My fourth adventure was one day while I was walking near the stairs leading to the deck and it was so windy that I was blown onto the deck and against the deck rail.  Rachel yelled to her mother “there’s a dead chicken on the deck,” but I was not dead.  Rachel’s mother checked on me and I opened one eye and looked up to her and she said ” Stripeypoo, are you all right?” she then picked me up  and took me out of the windy spot so Rachel could take me back to the run.  My fifth adventure was going to a new home in Hawi with my brother, Pecky, because Rachel could only keep one rooster.   I hope Rachel and her mother come and visit me soon.

Aloha from Stripes and Rachel!

Trip to Uluwehi

My first Adventure was at Uluwehi [oo-loo-way-hee] Farm.  They had Papayas, Bananas, Coconuts, Mac Nuts, Broccoil, Taro, Lilikoi, Miracle Berry, Citrus Trees, Kukui Nut Trees, Sugar Cane and much more.  I even got to weed the plants.  Here’s a picture of the Uluwehi Farm [Top Center.]

Today, the people who gave us the tour are at different location in Kohala and with http://hipagriculture.org/.

Trip to Anna’s Ranch

Earlier this year I went to Anna’s Ranch in Waimea.  I got to make a leather bracelet and I got to lasso a fake calf.  They make beautiful saddles and I saw wild turkeys.  I got to see a picture of a Bull and that Bull is taller than a Man.  They also had a Blacksmith who makes stuff out of metal [see pic below].   Here’s a picture of me at Anna’s Ranch [Top center] with my leather bracelet.   My favorite part was lassoing the fake calf.  On Wednesdays they have a Farmer’s Market and my Mama and my Papa and I go over there to get food.

Aloha from Rachel.